Flashing crotch pantsFlashing crotch pantsFlashing crotch pantsFlashing crotch pants


Francis dreams in faded colours so as not to disturb his sleep.

So, Okay, I know it’s not all that clear yet, but give me one last chance, the lightning round:

 I like to walk the sidewalk like a tightrope.

 I like to wander the streets with my walkman going but no headphones, no sound. The first five senses are the most boring.

 Johnny always wandered around with two or three sharp carbon filament needles secreted on his person just in case an opportunity arose where he could shove one of them through the fleshy part of a limb of some close friend.

 I walked by a woman yesterday who seemed to have misunderstood the concept of lipstick.

 His optometrist slipped a decimal point, and Johnny's never been happier. Blur is much more effective than rose tinting.

Anacin is my favourite breakfast food. I do care whether or not you understand why, but not that much.